Recommended for: People who use IMDS on a daily basis, whose job is to create reports and exchange data within the supply chain.
Content RegistrationRecommended for: All covered by the reporting obligation to the SCIP database maintained by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) - manufacturers, distributors, importers and assemblers.
Content RegistrationRecommended for: All those who use the system for illustrative purposes only, and their job is mainly to organize IMDS data and communication within supply chain.
Content RegistrationRecommended for: People who use CAMDS on a daily basis, whose job is to create reports and exchange data within the supply chain.
Content RegistrationRecommended for: All those who want to get to know the IMDS system in-depth, whose job is to create reports, transfer data within the supply chain and to analyze chemical data towards to meet regulatory requirements.
Content Registration